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Poster revealed for Pierce Brosnan`s latest film `After The Sunset`

02-Sep-2004 • Actor News

The poster for the latest film starring Pierce Brosnan - "After The Sunset" - has been unveiled.

(Click to enlarge)

After The Sunset, which stars Pierce Brosnan and Selma Hayek opens in the USA on November 21st 2004.

After The Sunset begins where most action capers end - with master thieves Max and Lola (Pierce Brosnan and Salma Hayek) escaping to a tropical paradise to enjoy the spoils of their labor. The thieves are content to settle into their new life after crime, until their nemesis from the FBI (Woody Harrelson) tracks them down, convinced that their “retirement” is actually a cover for their true intentions of pulling off a million-dollar heist on a nearby “diamond cruise.” The allure of the alleged scheme captures Max and Lola’s attention and sets off a cat and mouse game of friendship, suspicion and thievery.

Thanks to `Ken` for the alert.

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