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British actor Daniel Craig expands on the James Bond #6 position

08-Sep-2005 • Casino Royale

British actor Daniel Craig has spoken to IGN to expand on the current James Bond #6 situation.

The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Bond producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson were not in agreement on Craig. Broccoli, who has known Craig socially, wanted him for it but Wilson didn't.

MI6 note: MGM reportedly offered Craig the role without the knowledge of the producers before the Sony takeover.

As Craig himself said, "It was a surreal time to have the studio phoning you up saying you've got the job and then the Broccoli's saying nothing. ... I just let it go. I'm a big believer that if they want you… You don't want to fight, you want to all be on the same page from the very beginning. I think I would have probably been a bit too radical for it."

Craig added, "I don't know what the deal is [with Bond], I don't know. ... I won't lie to you, there's been some sort of move in my direction but there's been a move in a lot of people's direction. Possibly it's a way of trying to raise debate. They throw out some names and then people start discussing it and then they can make a decision."

Thanks to `bondboy007` for the alert.

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